Transcription: I'll Always Be In Love With You
Composers: Harry Ruby, Bud Green, Sam Stept
Transcription: starts at 0'07"; ends at 0'57"
From the album: Count Basie At The Savoy Ballroom
Label: Everest Records FS318
Leader of the session: Count Basie
Recorded: June 30, 1937
Reissued on CD in 1993: Masters of Jazz MLCD-1948
Freddie Green joined the Count Basie Orchestra in March 1937. This recording
was made three months later. Freddie's guitar style in 1937 bore little
resemblance to the unique minimalist style he would create over the next
This transcription clearly illustrates how Freddie's guitar style early
in his career was deeply influenced by his background as a banjo player.
Note that the majority of the voicings are four notes, like a banjo, and
are played between the 1st and 5th fret. Freddie's right hand technique
is also very "four-square" and banjo-like, producing a ponderous
sound reminiscent of Joseph Reinhardt's playing with the Hot Club Quintet
of France.
Items of interest:
Measures 4/5, 19/20, 25, 28/29: Note the 1/2 step approaches (from
above or below) using the same voicing. This is a banjo techinque.
Measures 6, 14, 30: Note the movement created by playing different
inversions of the G7 chord, or by substituting Dm for G7, i.e., the
ii for V substitution. This is another banjo technique.
Measure 8: Note the technique of adding a new note to the voicing
by keeping the same fingering but sounding a note that was previously
muted. Later in his career, Freddie would employ this concept as a
cornerstone of his style.
Measure 9, 15,16, 19, 23, 25, 31: This elementary C6 voicing has
a banjo-like quality and is easy to play on guitar. It is a voicing
that Freddie would virtually abandon as his style became more sophisticated.
Measure 24: Note the very modern (for the time) G13 voicing, a Charlie
Christian favorite, that would later become Freddie's signature opening
arpeggio on Neal Hefti's Li'l Darlin'.
Finally, observe the complete absences of notes played on the sixth
string. It is likely that veteran bassist Walter Page had already
sternly instructed the young Freddie Green not to play notes within
the tessitura of his bass lines!
Transcribed by Michael Pettersen, February 2003
Many thanks to drummer Hal Smith for bringing this important recording
to my attention.
